This semester I created an Action Plan to carpool to work every day. Today I am sharing my experience with carpooling and how I plan to continue moving forward to reduce my ecological footprint through sustainable transportation.
Since I started on my zero waste journey, I’ve found that when I tell people I’m trying to be zero waste, more often than not they respond with “Oh that’s cool! I recycle everything - my recycling bin is always so full!” But recycling isn't the zero waste answer we think it is. Here's why.
In this video I'm discussing a topic I'm very passionate about - greenwashing. Specifically, what it is and how we can avoid it, and the huge greenwashing efforts of Starbucks happening right now.
When did being busy begin to equate being important or successful? For so many of us, our automatic response to “How are you?” is “Busy.” But why? Turns out, there’s actually some pretty solid science behind it, and it’s actually quite fascinating. But it’s nonetheless worrisome....
Our furry friends can create a lot of waste. While we may not keep them 100% zero waste, there is a lot that we can do to minimize their impact on our planet.
In this video I'm sharing my zero waste "why." As with most things in life, we all need a "why" to keep us going. Mine came to me while I was out to dinner with a friend, and I couldn't wait to share it with you all.
In this video I'm bringing to light an issue that isn't often thought of in the phrase "zero waste" - free glasses of water. Please help me in sharing this message about wasting resources and moving forward towards zero waste.
In this video I'm sharing my experience with making zero waste almond milk from scratch for the first time. Be sure to watch all the way to end to see the final result!