We’re about to get very real up in here. I know that this post is going to be difficult for my parents, grandparents, and other family members to read, but I do feel that it is important to share these experiences, and have honest and raw conversations about mental health, and in this instance, how it relates to living zero waste.
Tis the season for travel! School breaks, family vacations, holiday visits - the works. I don’t fly frequently, but I fly enough to have a few tricks up my sleeve that keep the trips low waste and low stress. I hope that these 6 tips help you keep your holiday travel as zero waste as possible as well.
With the holidays upon us, I'm sharing my favorite zero waste DIY gift - a coffee and sugar body scrub. Just three ingredients, and only moments to make!
After the pie has been devoured and the tryptophan-induced naps have been had, the whirlwind of Black Friday madness and holiday gift-giving begins. To help us all navigate the craziness that is coming upon us, I have compiled the ultimate list of zero waste gifts.
Big things are happening! Find out what's coming next for A Drop in the Ocean and be part of the zero waste process.
It’s easy to say you care about the environment, and it’s easy to say that someone else should adjust their life to be better for the environment. I was guilty of it my whole life...
Like many people, I carry all of my stress in my neck and shoulders. I decided I needed some way to ease the tension but I didn’t feel like spending the money on a heating pad - so instead I searched my apartment (and the bulk bins of my local grocery store).
Plastic free is a journey, not a destination. So while it is always my hope that this little corner of the internet inspires you to make small changes for our planet, it's also important for me to share my own struggles and challenges with you. None of us are perfect, but we can all do our little pieces.
Plastic Free July is here! Not sure where to start, or need a little inspiration? I've got the tool for you!
Guest post! For the past few years, I have been on a journey to reduce the amount of plastic waste that I produce. More recently it is a journey that I am able to embark on with my 6-year-old son. Here are my tips for reducing plastic when you have kids.
You’ve likely heard of the gyres of plastic floating around in the ocean, or at least the most notable Great Pacific Garbage Patch. These gyres are massive areas of plastic collecting and swirling around, making a sort of “plastic soup.”
Seabirds are a keystone species in oceanic regions. Where there is ocean, there are islands. And these islands can be lush, beautiful jungles teeming with life, singing beautiful melodies each and every day. Without seabirds, these island ecosystems could collapse. Seabirds distribute seeds and nutrients from island to island. They are responsible for these lush ecosystems.
While coral reefs are not often discussed in the context of ocean pollution, they are some of the most critical species that inhabit our planet. Coral reefs are not only home to about a quarter of our planet’s fish species, but they also provide immense advantages to human beings.
As we begin to think towards World Oceans Day, I want us to focus on the things that we can do to help our oceans. There are so many facets to conservation. If we each choose one action to protect our oceans, they will thank us. So over the next seven days, I’ll be focusing each day on ways we can protect the waters and the creatures of the oceans. I’m calling it the #EcoWarriorChallenge - World Oceans Day Edition.
It is possible to keep our makeup zero waste, inexpensive, and good for our faces! I tried two simple DIYs and am sharing them today in my most recent video.
Many zero waste influencers are moving to the phrase "low impact movement" but I'll be sticking with zero waste for now. Watch my newest video to find out why!
This semester I created an Action Plan to carpool to work every day. Today I am sharing my experience with carpooling and how I plan to continue moving forward to reduce my ecological footprint through sustainable transportation.