Welcome to the A Drop in the Ocean blog!

Every Monday we're popping into our EcoWarrior community's inboxes with practical + actionable tips for living more sustainably, and we're always working hard to add those emails to our blog as well. But we're a small team and sometimes we get behind because, hey, we're human.

So if you want these kinds of tips every week, without even leaving your inbox, join the EcoWarriors for Make Waves Mondays - because that's one thing we don't get behind on. Pinky promise.


How to Use a Safety Razor for a Plastic-Free Shave Routine
My safety razor is my all time favorite zero waste swap! So today we’re gonna take a dive into the world of plastic-free shaving and what makes safety razors the ultimate zero waste swap you’ll ever make - plus a step-by-step guide for how to use a safety razor for a totally plastic-free shave.
What is a Buy Nothing Group and why should you join one?
Building and supporting a sharing economy is a critical component of any zero waste lifestyle, and Buy Nothing Groups are one of the best ways to do that. So today we're talking all things Buy Nothing - what it is, why it's better than donating to a thrift shop, and even why your local group may be called a "Gifting With Integrity" group instead.
A Drop in the Ocean Shop: How to Host a Zero Waste Business Shower
A Drop in the Ocean celebrated its 4-year anniversary in February 2023, and we just had to celebrate! Between the venue, food, drinks, and party games, we managed to keep the whole event nearly 100% zero waste (and learned a lot in the process). Here's how we did it.
A Drop in the Ocean Zero Waste Blog: 16 Unsustainable Things I Did This Week
Today I'm sharing all of the unsustainable things I did in the last week to remind you that true zero waste is not actually possible. I've been doing this for 6+ years and I still create waste! This is a shame-free space. It's about learning and making better choices when we can and where we can.
A Drop in the Ocean Zero Waste Store: 60+ Ways to Live More Sustainably Every Day

I did an audit of all the random things I do in a day to live more sustainably that I honestly don’t even notice anymore. Because living sustainably isn’t a checklist or a to-do list. It’s our small choices, every day, that add up to the big stuff. These small changes have had real, tangible, impacts in reducing my waste - whether wasted time, energy, or money - without having to think about them all the time.

A Drop in the Ocean Zero Waste Store: Why Reusing Isn't Always Better Than Recycling
I've recently started a new series on Instagram called, “I gotta say it…” where I’m sharing all of my sassy, why-is-no-one-talking-about-this thoughts about zero waste and sustainable living. So today, I gotta say it... Reusing isn't always better than recycling. Here's why.
Plastic Neutral: Greenwashing or Actual Waste Solution?
There are some pretty major players in the "sustainable" and "zero waste" space that brag about being certified plastic neutral. But what does that really mean for sustainability? Is plastic neutral certification greenwashing, or is it an actual solution to our ocean waste problem?
A Drop in the Ocean Zero Waste Store: Why you should switch to a natural laundry detergent
Conventional laundry detergent contains toxic chemicals that are being banned for their effects on humans. By switching to an all-natural laundry detergent, you'll not only protect your family from these chemicals, but our waterways, too. Here's everything you need to know about why you should make the switch to natural laundry detergent and how.
The 7 Best Documentaries for Sustainable & Eco-Friendly Living
Most sustainability documentaries are trash. But there are some truly spectacular documentaries about sustainability, waste, and climate change that have had lasting, positive impacts on my life. Here's 7 of my favorite documentaries to inspire you to live more sustainably - without guilt, shame, fear, and absolutism.
A Drop in the Ocean Shop: How to care for reusable period underwear
Switching to reusable period underwear has been a freaking GAME CHANGER. But if you've never used them before, they can seem "gross" if you don't know how to clean and take care of them. So today we're taking a deep dive into how to properly care for zero waste period undies - with no mess and no smell.
A Drop in the Ocean Blog: How to do a No Spend Month
Today’s post is a topic I’ve been meaning to write for a couple of years now but for some reason never have - how to do a No Spend Month. It’s something I’ve done in the past that has had a hugely positive impact on my life and I know it’s done the same for others, too. If you’re not yet familiar with a No Spend Month, allow me to introduce you...
How "Refillable" is Becoming a Greenwashing Term

I'm all fired up...🔥 Earlier today, a fairly well-known influencer in the sustainability space promoted and praised a brand for its refillability and how it cuts down on waste. But I've talked about how sustainability buzzwords can lead us down a path of greenwashing in the past, and this brand is a PRIME example. So let's talk about why it's so problematic and why I'm so fired up.

A Drop in the Ocean Zero Waste Store: Why You Shouldn't Rake Your Leaves This Fall

It’s officially that time of year when the leaves are changing color and starting to fall onto our lawns. As they start to accumulate over the grass, you may be tempted to rake them all up into piles, toss them in some bags, and leave them on the curb for trash pickup. But is that really the best way to manage the increased [natural] debris? Let's talk about it!

A Drop in the Ocean Blog: The Best Way to Go Zero Waste

As we come upon the time of year that’s become characterized by overconsumption and the overwhelming messaging that we must give our loved ones physical gifts, I was recently reminded of the absolute best tip I can offer for how to live more sustainably...

A Drop in the Ocean Zero Waste Store: 6 Sustainable and Zero Waste Halloween Treats

Can you believe we’re less than one week out from Halloween?? You’ve probably started thinking about which candies you’re gonna hand out this year, and since you’re an EcoWarrior, you’re probably also super aware of all of the waste that comes with this annual tradition. So today, I’ve compiled six eco-friendly Trick-or-Treat options for you as we near Halloween night.