This week’s topic is one of those, “Does it *really* matter, Krystina?” kinda topics, but also just a lot of fun to think about and super interesting to research. In honor of International Beer Day this Friday, today we’re talking about the sustainability of wine versus beer…because why the heck not?? 😄
The other day, a friend of mine purchased a bunch of bananas because they said they'd “feel weird just buying a single banana.” Which [shocker...] got me off on a whole tangent about banana sustainability, leaving everyone in the room staring at me like some kind of banana fiend. So buckle up, friend, 'cause I'm about to hit ya with some 'nana trivia.
I’ve been using a zero waste solid dish soap bar for years and I can’t imagine ever going back to liquid. It’s just so much more convenient to use, is quite literally zero waste, and honestly just looks better next to my sink than a plastic bottle of Dawn. But if you’ve never used a solid dish soap bar before, you might be hesitant to make the switch. So let's talk about it!
It takes intention to change food habits. They’re ingrained in our culture. So rather than use this space to say we should all go vegan or we should all go vegetarian, what if instead we each ate one less pound of meat each week? How much would it really matter?
Did you know that in the United States we throw out 25% of edible food produced? Let’s change that! Here are 4 of my favorite tips for storing produce with zero waste and zero plastic to keep them fresh, longer, so we can stretch our dollars and fight food waste.
There’s a lot of information surrounding organic foods and whether or not they’re actually “better” for us. Understandably, this can cause confusion and distrust. I’m hoping today not to clear up all of the confusion - because even the scientific community does not have a clear consensus - but instead provide some straightforward insight to why I choose organic when possible.
There are many ways to reduce our food waste, first and foremost being to simply buy less. But once that food is in our fridge or our pantry, what do we do with all of those expiration dates? First, we must learn what these dates mean. Because we’ve been bamboozled and all expiration dates are not actually the same.