Welcome to the A Drop in the Ocean blog!

Every Monday we're popping into our EcoWarrior community's inboxes with practical + actionable tips for living more sustainably, and we're always working hard to add those emails to our blog as well. But we're a small team and sometimes we get behind because, hey, we're human.

So if you want these kinds of tips every week, without even leaving your inbox, join the EcoWarriors for Make Waves Mondays - because that's one thing we don't get behind on. Pinky promise.


A Drop in the Ocean Sustainable Living Zero Waste Plastic Free Blog 12 Things I've Stopped Buying Since Going Zero Waste
There’s so much that I’ve stopped buying since I started on my zero waste journey two years ago. Some were easy to ditch, and others took a bit of adjustment, trial, and error. Some were a success immediately, and others needed some tweaking. But overwhelmingly, I feel more at peace with my life as I live in line with my values, and I’ve saved a ton of money in the process.
A Drop in the Ocean Sustainable Living Zero Waste Plastic Free Blog No, Not All Zero Wasters Are Willing to Pay Double for Groceries

An article was recently published in the New York Post arguing, in summary, that zero waste is expensive and zero wasters won’t settle for “regular” grocery store foods, and instead want to pay $10 a pound for pasta. As a zero waste wannabe myself, I’m saying oh hell no to that.

A Drop in the Ocean Sustainable Living Zero Waste Plastic Free Blog Why Plastic Isn't the Problem
With the plastic free, zero waste, and low impact movements gaining traction, plastic has become vilified, but plastic isn’t really the problem. By only addressing the plastic problem, we ignore the root cause. Here's what we need instead.
A Drop in the Ocean Sustainable Living Zero Waste Plastic Free Blog 4 Reasons I Don't Have a Trash Jar
Ah, the mason jar. Like any zero-waster, I adore mason jars. They’re great for nearly everything. I use them for beverages, leftovers, as a toothbrush holder, for lunch transport - the list really is endless. The one thing I don’t use them for? My trash. Here's why.
A Drop in the Ocean Sustainable Living Zero Waste Plastic Free Blog Plastic Free July Confessions
Plastic free is a journey, not a destination.  So while it is always my hope that this little corner of the internet inspires you to make small changes for our planet, it's also important for me to share my own struggles and challenges with you.  None of us are perfect, but we can all do our little pieces.
A Drop in the Ocean Sustainable Living Zero Waste Plastic Free Blog #EcoWarriorChallenge - DAY 5 - Children
Guest post! For the past few years, I have been on a journey to reduce the amount of plastic waste that I produce. More recently it is a journey that I am able to embark on with my 6-year-old son. Here are my tips for reducing plastic when you have kids.
A Drop in the Ocean Sustainable Living Zero Waste Plastic Free Blog {{Video}} Zero Waste vs. Low Impact
Many zero waste influencers are moving to the phrase "low impact movement" but I'll be sticking with zero waste for now.  Watch my newest video to find out why!
A Drop in the Ocean Sustainable Living Zero Waste Plastic Free Blog Why Recycling Isn't the Answer
Since I started on my zero waste journey, I’ve found that when I tell people I’m trying to be zero waste, more often than not they respond with “Oh that’s cool! I recycle everything - my recycling bin is always so full!” But recycling isn't the zero waste answer we think it is.  Here's why.
A Drop in the Ocean Sustainable Living Zero Waste Plastic Free Blog {{Video}} Why I Love Zero Waste
In this video I'm sharing my zero waste "why." As with most things in life, we all need a "why" to keep us going. Mine came to me while I was out to dinner with a friend, and I couldn't wait to share it with you all.
A Drop in the Ocean Sustainable Living Zero Waste Plastic Free Blog {{Video}} Zero Waste Musings: Water
In this video I'm bringing to light an issue that isn't often thought of in the phrase "zero waste" - free glasses of water. Please help me in sharing this message about wasting resources and moving forward towards zero waste.
A Drop in the Ocean Sustainable Living Zero Waste Plastic Free Blog {{Video}} No Straw November Reflections
No Straw November encourages us to rethink our plastic use by asking for "no straw, please" when we're out and about.  It's these small changes that add up to zero waste and the circular economy.  Here's what I learned from the month.