Welcome to the A Drop in the Ocean blog!

Every Monday we're popping into our EcoWarrior community's inboxes with practical + actionable tips for living more sustainably, and we're always working hard to add those emails to our blog as well. But we're a small team and sometimes we get behind because, hey, we're human.

So if you want these kinds of tips every week, without even leaving your inbox, join the EcoWarriors for Make Waves Mondays - because that's one thing we don't get behind on. Pinky promise.


A Drop in the Ocean Blog: 24 Sustainable Actions to Try in 2024

I want to kick off the new year with something super simple… 24 sustainable actions to try in 2024. Every action on this list is intended to perhaps push you a little outside your comfort zone, but still be totally actionable and do-able in most of our lives. Which ones will you try this year?

A Drop in the Ocean Zero Waste Store: 60+ Ways to Live More Sustainably Every Day

I did an audit of all the random things I do in a day to live more sustainably that I honestly don’t even notice anymore. Because living sustainably isn’t a checklist or a to-do list. It’s our small choices, every day, that add up to the big stuff. These small changes have had real, tangible, impacts in reducing my waste - whether wasted time, energy, or money - without having to think about them all the time.

Small Changes. Big Impact.

This year, we introduced a mini-series of blog posts where we focused on just one small thing we can do in our everyday lives that has a big impact for our planet. To wrap up this mini-series, we're taking a journey back through them to see just how big of an impact we could have making these changes for just one month.

Why should you turn down your thermostat?

What’s your thermostat set to right now? It may not seem like one or two degrees really matters when it comes to sustainability, but they really do! Residential heating and cooling accounts for 9% of all energy consumption in the United States. Here's how to slash that number and save money.

Phantom Energy: Why we need to unplug our chargers.

What do phantoms and vampires have to do with zero waste? It’s all got to do with energy use. Because remember, zero waste is about more than physical waste. It’s about wasted time, wasted energy, and wasted resources. Phantom energy, or vampire power, is the energy your electronic devices are always consuming, even when they’re turned off or not in use, and all that phantom energy can add up quickly. 

What's the environmental impact of one pound of meat?

It takes intention to change food habits. They’re ingrained in our culture. So rather than use this space to say we should all go vegan or we should all go vegetarian, what if instead we each ate one less pound of meat each week? How much would it really matter?

5 Ways to Drive Less + The Impacts for Sustainability

Nearly a third of all of the United States’ greenhouse gas emissions are from transportation. About a sixth are from our everyday vehicles. That’s a huge portion of our emissions just from one aspect of life - getting from Point A to Point B! The good news is, we don’t need everyone to stop driving to make a sustainable difference. Do this instead.

A Drop in the Ocean Tacoma Zero Waste Sustainable Living Blog Do I really need to preheat my oven?
Every recipe tells us to preheat our oven as step numero uno, but is it really necessary? Or are we wasting resources, money, and energy by turning on our oven too soon?
A Drop in the Ocean Tacoma Zero Waste Sustainable Living Blog Should you use the heated dry setting on your dishwasher
By now we know that it's more sustainable to use the dishwasher than to wash by hand, but let's take it a step further. How necessary is it to use the heated dry setting on your dishwasher, and is it actually costing you extra time, money, and energy?
3 Zero Waste Reasons to Use Your Dishwasher
Dishes are one of those household chores that are never done, and require quite a bit of time, water, and energy. When we're trying to live lighter on the planet, then, what’s the most sustainable and zero waste way to wash our dishes?
A Drop in the Ocean Tacoma Zero Waste Sustainable Living Blog 5 Reasons to Hang Dry Laundry
Hang drying your laundry isn't just great for the planet, but it's great for you, too. Here are the five reasons I choose to hang-dry nearly all of my laundry.
A Drop in the Ocean Tacoma Zero Waste Sustainable Living Blog 3 Reasons to Wash Your Laundry on Cold
Many of us, myself included, choose the hot setting for some loads because we believe the hot setting will sanitize our laundry. But apparently that's not the case. Washing your laundry on cold benefits the planet, but maybe it benefits you too.
A Drop in the Ocean Tacoma Zero Waste Sustainable Living Blog How to save water without taking a shorter shower
We all love our long, hot showers. We know they're not great for the planet, but they're just so nice. So when a colleague said, "We need to stop telling people to take shorter showers," I was hooked. Here's how we can save water every day without taking a 5-minute shower.
A Drop in the Ocean Tacoma Zero Waste Sustainable Living Blog Carbon Footprint of Unwanted Email
We’re BOMBARDED with emails, all day every day. And how many of them do we actually read? How many of them do we actually value? And what's the carbon footprint of all those unwanted emails?